Saturday, December 18, 2010

Photo of the Week: 12/18/2010 (Introduction)

I am going to start a new weekly column on here, called "Photo of the Week." I am doing this for several reasons. First, I enjoy photography, both rail related and not, and I think this would be a good way to share my rail related photos. Second, it adds more interest to this blog, particularly to those who enjoy photography as I do. Third, it helps break up the potential monotony of product reviews, trip reports, and modeling tips. Today is Saturday, and I will kick it off today, but starting next week it will be an every Friday post. These posts will not be published as Facebook notes; however, I will be posting the photos in a new Facebook album, viewable here.

Today's photo comes from last August, when I was on Long Island visiting my grandparents. My dad and I took the train out to Port Jefferson because we wanted to see the waterfront there. Of course, before we walked down to the water, we had to wait for our train to head back west so we could photograph it. This photo is a result of that.

At first, I was standing further back from the crossing. When the truck pulled up, I had to move closer. Then the biker showed up right in front of me, and I wasn't sure the photo would turn out well with him in the way. I didn't even notice him waving to the train until I got home and looked at the photos on the computer, and I saw that the biker really added to the photo. The train is operating in push mode towards New York, so that is the front of the train. The location is the Main Street crossing in Port Jefferson, NY, adjacent to the station.

1 comment:

  1. Nice photo. I like this feature a lot since I don't understand all the technical jargon!


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