Friday, July 15, 2011

Photo of the Week: 7/15/2011

Last week, I left no description to the Photo of the Week post, and let everyone guess what and where it is. Well, this week I'll give you the answer, as well as another photo. If you guessed that it is the turntable motor at the Concord, NH turntable, you guessed right! That's right, folks, the Concord turntable is still there, just disconnected from any other tracks and with trees growing out of the pit. But it's there! Now for this week's photo, which is also from the Concord turntable:

Yup, that's a K-type controller, almost identical to those found in most trolleys. I didn't actually go in the control booth because there was a massive bees nest on the opposite wall, so I just stuck my camera in through the window and took pictures.

There are noticeable differences between this controller and the K-type. First, and probably the biggest difference, is that this is a 3-phase controller. Instead of a hot and neutral wire like on the trolleys, this has 3 hot wires and probably no neutral. I honestly have no idea what voltage this runs on, but I would guess about 600 volts AC. There was also a big box mounted on another wall in the control booth that had a 3 phase disconnect and fuse slots in it.

The front panel on this control box is missing. I would love to go inside the booth and get a shot of the electrical contacts in there, because there are probably noticeable differences between this one and a regular K controller as well, but, again, bees nest.

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