Friday, July 22, 2011

Photo of the Week: 7/22/2011

Today's photo is from Montana. James and I were doing some exploring in and around Miles City when we came across this dirt road and an old railroad bridge. You can drive over the bridge. It is, of course, very stable, but it certainly doesn't sound like it when you drive over it! Anyways, here is the photo:

This is the old Milwaukee Road right of way. The Milwaukee Road, or more formally the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul, & Pacific came through southern Montana on its way to the Pacific. The Milwaukee Road was known for its skytop lounges and extensive electrification through western Montana and Washington. In the 1970s, the Milwaukee Road chose to take down the wires and purchase new diesels instead of buying new electrics. The diesels ended up costing more than the railroad could afford, and they ended up tearing up most of their transcontinental route. What was left was later bought by the Soo Line, which was more recently bought by Canadian Pacific.

Through Montana, most of the tracks are gone. BNSF owns a few branch lines and spurs. This part of the line, however, has been turned into a dirt road called Milwaukee Road. You can drive on it if you have the time. It doesn't really go anywhere though. But it's kinda cool to say you drove on the old Milwaukee Road right-of-way!

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