Friday, December 2, 2011

Photo of the Week: 12/2/2011

Is it December already? It doesn't feel like it here in New Hampshire, the temperature has been in the 60's and 70's and there's no snow anywhere to be found! I'll enjoy it while it lasts. In the mean time, today's photo was taken at the beginning of December, two years ago. I was chasing the Caboose train, of which I've shared photos before. It went north to Lincoln on a Friday and came back on a Sunday. It snowed on Saturday, so on the Sunday chase there was still a light dusting of snow on the ground. This photo was taken at the Route 3 crossing by Lake Winnisquam:

Yup, that's a real life, full size, Lionel Lines caboose! I don't know the history of this caboose, but the owner clearly has a sense of humor (and probably a collection of Lionel trains). I don't know exactly how many cabeese are on this train, but I think it's somewhere around 20. In the middle of the train there are two full length passenger cars, a New York Central car that traces its routes to the 20th Century Limited and a C&O coach. The train runs with a Alco S1 on either end, this is actually the rear of the train in the photo.

Also, can you spot the railfan in the photo?


  1. Hard to see the railfan as the photo doesn't enlarge, but I have spotted him! (at first I was looking for your reflection or something)

    That's a snazzy caboose.

  2. ahhhh. at last i have seen a real live caboose on this link.


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