Friday, December 23, 2011

Photo of the Week: 12/23/2011

Today's photo is from a year ago, when I rode the Acela to New York to visit my grandparents.  The trip on the Acela went fine, but once I reached Jamaica on the Long Island Railroad, they shut down service due to the snowstorm.  I didn't make it to my grandparents house until the next afternoon, and while I was stranded in Jamaica I took some photos.  I shared some of them last year, and I thought I'd share one again now.  I am staying home for Christmas this year, so hopefully I won't end up stranded in a train station overnight again!  Here is the photo:

This was shot from a window in the concourse between the train station and AirTrain terminal.  I tried to sleep in the AirTrain terminal because it was warmer, but I didn't get much sleep.  I got up several times during the night to walk around and take some photos.  This one was early the next morning, still before service was resumed.  Notice the tracks haven't been cleared yet.  All that snow is from the one snowstorm, there was no snow on the ground the day before.  If I remember right, Jamaica got something like 19 inches of snow all at once.  One area of the city got 30 inches.  While it's normal for New Hampshire to get at least one storm like that per winter, it's unusual for New York to get that much in a month!  I did eventually make it to my grandparents house safely, 27 and a half hours after I left my house in southern New Hampshire.

On that note, James and I would like to wish all of our readers a Merry Christmas and safe traveling this holiday season!

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