Friday, January 20, 2012

Photo of the Week: 1/20/2012

I don't actually have a photo today. James and I decided to change how we do the photo of the week column. I am running out of photos to share, but since this is one of our most popular features, we do not want to stop sharing a photo every week. We decided to open it up to our readers to submit their photos. Every week, James and I will go through the photo submissions we have, and pick one to share. We may not necessarily pick one we got during that week, so it may be a few weeks before your photo show up. This way we can keep sharing great photos without repeating subjects. Depending on how many photos we get, we may increase the number we share every week, but we will start with one.

If you have photos you would like to share, please do so! To submit a photo, please email us at and title your email "Photo of the Week." Photos must be in .jpg, .gif, or .png format and must be photos of trains or something railroad related. You must own all photos you submit. Please include a caption with the location of the photo, some information about what is in the photo, and maybe a story that goes along with it, and your name so we can give you credit. We will email you back letting you know when we use your photo.

Thank you in advance for participating! We look forward to your submissions!

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