Friday, March 16, 2012

Photo of the Week: 3/16/2012

Today I am sharing one of James's photos from Alaska. He had the opportunity to work there for two summers, driving tour busses out of Anchorage. As part of the job, he often met the passenger trains, to either bring people to or from the train on whatever tour they were doing. He has some good shots of the Alaska Railroad, and I thought I'd share one today. I have never been to Alaska, although I have always wanted to go there. It is a very beautiful state, and I'm sure the photos I've seen don't even do it justice. Anyway, here is today's photo:

James included the following caption with this photo:

August 29, 2009, It is 10:51pm, and the sun is still setting behind the Glacier Discovery Train, which has returned to Anchorage from Whittier and Grandview. Later in the evening the train will be moved to the coach yard for cleaning and servicing to get ready for the same trip the next day.

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