Friday, March 30, 2012

Photo of the Week: 3/30/2012

Usually, I share photos I've taken with my digital cameras, because they are on my computer and easy to share. Recently, however, I've been digging through my photos that I shot on film, and I thought I'd share one today. If you read this blog regularly, you probably know I go to Long Island fairly frequently to visit my family there. I haven't driven there in a few years, and the last time I did, I made a few stops along the way, including this spot in Connecticut, where this photo is taken:

This is Niantic. The train does not stop here, but whizzes past the crescent shaped shoreline on a gentle curve. I had seen the spot from the train, and I wanted to take a look around. The beach is small, but there is a path along the railroad track, where I shot this photo. Behind me, the tracks cross a drawbridge over an inlet to a small harbor, which is on the other side of the tracks. Currently, this whole area is a mess of construction, the drawbridge is being replaced and the beach and boardwalk area have all been turned into construction staging. I really don't know much about the project except for what I've seen from the train, but it looks like they are also building a new boardwalk, so the town will get something in return when the project is completed. The project was started shortly after this photo was taken in August of 2009, and I don't know when the project will be finished.

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