Friday, January 11, 2013

Photo(s) of the Week: North Temple Station

This week I got several emails from Steven, containing a description of the construction at Utah Transit Authority's new North Temple station.  The station recently opened for the FrontRunner line, and will eventually serve as a transfer point between FrontRunner, the Salt Lake City commuter rail, and TRAX, the Salt Lake City light rail system.  The new North Temple station is located just a short distance north of Salt Lake Central station, and is served by both Ogden and Provo line FrontRunner trains.  TRAX service will begin at the completion of the new airport line, which is scheduled to open later this year (See the UTA website for more information.).

Steven mentioned that, since the opening of the Provo line, most FrontRunner trains operate the entire distance, between Ogden and Provo, with only a few going into service or out of service in Salt Lake City.  He said that trains that either start or end service in Salt Lake City serve both stations, regardless of which line they are operating on.

Besides the airport line, UTA is currently working to extend the TRAX system south, to Draper, and building a streetcar line through the Sugarhouse area of downtown Salt Lake City.  Both projects are also expected to open later this year.  For information on all current UTA projects, please see their Frontlines 2015 website.

Besides just a description of the happenings in Salt Lake City, Steven also sent along several photographs he took at the new North Temple station.  Currently, only the FrontRunner portion of the station is in service, as the TRAX line is not yet open.

Northbound train arriving at the North Temple station.  Photo by Steven Ogden.

Southbound train departing the North Temple station.  Photo by Steven Ogden.

Northbound train approaching the North Temple station, from Grant Tower and Salt Lake Central.  Photo by Steven Ogden.
For those that are unaware, Steven is currently serving a two-year mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, based in Salt Lake City.  He has used the FrontRunner several times to travel between the offices, in Salt Lake City, and the area in which he currently serves.  While time does not allow him to contribute to the blog regularly, he still takes photographs and keeps everyone at home updated on his activities, and as seen above, the local railroads.

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