Sunday, March 30, 2014

Photo: Whittier Turn Crew

A couple of weeks ago, I was called to work on a Whittier freight train. We went to Whittier with some freight for the barge, did a little switching, and then returned to Anchorage with freight that had come off the barge. It was a pretty simple and straightforward trip, although we were surprised when we arrived in Whittier by the presence of a film crew from Windfall Films. Windfall Films is the producer for the reality television show Railroad Alaska. They stopped us on the way in to clip on wireless microphones and have a job brief, and then they filmed us switching. Anyway, on the way back we had to stop in Portage to wait for a Seward bound freight train to pass. Our train and theirs were too long to meet anywhere between Portage and Anchorage, so we had some time to kill while they got to Portage. It was a beautiful day, so we decided to take some pictures.

Left to right are as follows:
John, Manager of Operating Rules and Training
Ryan, Student Engineer
Keith, Brakeman
And me, the Student Conductor.
Davy, the Conductor, was behind the camera, and the engineer opted to stay in the cab.

Appropriately, ARR #4004, the Spirit of Whittier, was the leader on the return trip from Whittier. Our other locomotive was the #4014. This train was known as a "turn," since it went to Whittier, dropped off cars, turned around, and came back with new cars.

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