Now, all that said, we have actually been getting things done in the background. On the left, you may have noticed the "Other Resources" link. That has been there for a while, and we have a few things in there, which mostly have grown out of our own hobby research projects. Most of the stuff in there is stuff we felt might be either useful or of interest to those that frequent this site. We have not recently added anything new, but we have several things in development. The most notable is a series of maps, the development of which Steven is spearheading. Currently, they are Google Earth maps, which would require us to host a file for you to download, if you wanted to look at them. We are exploring other web-based approaches, so that no one has to download anything. Keep your eyes open for that. It is something that will by no means be complete when it goes online, but we would like to start it off with more than one map.
We are developing a new schedule for posting content regularly to the blog. One thing we definitely want to revive is our weekly photo posts. Those were quite popular and really did not take an enormous amount of effort to put up. But we want your help on that. If you have a photo, or many photos, you would like to share, send them to us. You can reach us at, which we check several times per week. If possible, photos should be at least 600 by 800 in size, and should feature a railroad themed subject, though there does not necessarily need to be a train in them. You retain all copyrights, if you send us a photo, you are only giving us permission to share it with the world on the blog. We would love to see and share your photos!
Other than that, we would like to bring back weekly modeling posts and weekly railroad stories and practices. If there is anything else you would like us to do, please do not hesitate to contact us. Email is the best way to reach us, again it is, but you can also reach us via our Facebook page. If you are a Facebook user, you might consider following us on there, for little extras, which do not quite merit their own blog post, but which are nonetheless interesting or entertaining.
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