Friday, October 14, 2011

Photo of the Week: 10/14/2011

Today's photo kind of relates to James's posts on the Lake Shore Limited. I've posted about the Tilton Caboose Train before, and there are two full length passenger cars in the train among the cabeese. One is an old New York Central Pullman car that once ran on the 20th Century Limited. Today it is privately owned and resides in Tilton, NH most of the year. It is used as the First Class car on the fall foliage train, and is brought up to Meredith for that. This photo was taken after the fall foliage excursions, and it was deadheading back down to Tilton to be put back in the caboose train, which was scheduled to run to Lincoln that same afternoon. Here is the photo:

In the photo, the train is passing the old train station in Laconia. The station is no longer used by the railroad, and there are a few businesses in it now. The main waiting area remains mostly intact and empty. The two locomotives are Alco S1s, originally from Maine Central and Portland Terminal, and are now owned by the Plymouth & Lincoln Railroad, which runs the caboose train north from Tilton, as well as the Hobo Railroad and Winnipesaukee Scenic Railroad. The caboose train is not open to the public, in order to ride it you have to own a caboose and store it in Tilton with all the other cabooses.

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